[Green Britain Bike Week / LNHM + … ]


A whole week dedicated to promoting the benefits of cycling – the social, health + environmental aspects – from 19th to 27th June.

Recent times have seen the sport emulate to trendsetting status, with retrofitting classics, to obsessively styling the fixed-speed.

Look Mum No Hands! on London’s Old Street has taken café culture to a new level by offering in-house  cycle services, complimentary with your flat white.

The previously mentioned Karta Healy at twoNfro in west London designs cycling attire from entirely sustainable fabrics + materials.

Plus you don’t have to go far before a bicycle shop pops up. Check out the carefully crafted 14BikeCo on Dray Walk in the Eastend.

Try LNC+ to show you where the cycle routes span.

TOKYO BIKE pop up coming soon to London’s Old Spitalfield Market. Launch party 6 – 9pm July 8th.

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